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Weekends with the Wigglesworths: Snuggles, Play, MLK and National Popcorn Day!

I love weekends, it is when the four of us can just unwind and enjoy spending time with each other since Drew does not have school and Matt does not (usually) have to work. Sometimes we do simple things like spend the day in our pajamas and watch movies and play games. Then, of course there are the times we have to get the not so fun things done like grocery shopping, laundry, and dishes. Still, we get to be together and I cannot get enough. 

This weekend, I am especially excited because it is a coveted 3-day weekend. The New England weather has been a little unpredictable, but I hear that it is supposed to be pretty cold which means that we won’t be spending too much time doing outdoor activities. Our Saturday will likely be spent building forts, reading books, baking cookies and whatever else the girls come up with. 
Sunday, is our “Busy Bee” day. Church in the morning, helping Matt’s parents with some organizing and painting, and hopefully visiting with my Gram. 

Since Sunday is also “National Popcorn Day”, I am going to have to incorporate as much popcorn fun as I can. Perhaps I will get to show my girls the awesomeness that is JIFFY POP! I cannot believe that stuff is still around, but it is so cool! At some point we can make this  Microwave Popcorn and I’d love to make homemade popcorn balls. I think we’ll also play this cool Popcorn Words Game to help keep Drew on track with her spelling words. I’m pretty confident that Sunday will end with a mommy and daughter sleepover, complete with a movie and popcorn :-)

I am not entirely sure what Drew has learned about him in school, but on Monday we will be talking about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. I did some research, thank you Google, to find age appropriate activities for Drew and found so many wonderful ideas. We will be listening to and talking about his famous speech and then I will ask Drew what her dreams are for children of the future and share some of my dreams as well. Maybe we’ll do some of the not so fun things, but I think I’ll just save that until Tuesday! 

What are YOU doing this weekend? We’d love to hear all about it. Comment below and let us know!

Have a great weekend!


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