My son is sort of at an interesting age. He is starting to outgrow his favorite toddler toys. Sure, he'll go back and play with them, but quickly becomes bored. B is a smart fella, and enjoys a bit of a challenge. He used to become frustrated when it came to putting things together, but now, he's intrigued, and I have noticed that he takes his time when constructing... however, a lot of his building toys are a bit too simple for him. When I stumbled across a building toy set that was perfect for preschoolers and beyond, I was thrilled!
ZOOB is an award-winning building set, with a big twist- the pieces move as you put them together! ZOOB is made by Infinitoy, offering unique toys that spark children's imaginations and are safe to play with . The ZOOB modeling sets come in two ages groups. ZOOB JR. is made specifically for ages 4+, with large connecting pieces for endless hours of construction and play!
I was so excited to connect with the team at ALEX Brands, and to be offered the opportunity to give the ZOOB JR. set a try with B. I knew he would be super excited about this awesome modeling set for little ones, and couldn't wait to see what he thought of them!
Our special package from ZOOB is here... can't wait to check it out!
B was eager to help me tear into the box that the ZOOB JR. set arrived in... he's always such a wonderful helper!
'Here mommy, let me help you get that out of the box...'
'Whoa! Cool, mommy!'
Needless to say, B was quite excited when he pulled the handle of the clear plastic package that housed the ZOOB JR. set. The cylindrical package held 55 ZOOB JR. pieces, as well as activitiy/model cards, and a special foam play pad. The ZOOB JR. pieces are a bit softer than the regular ZOOB pieces. They snap and click together in a variety of ways, and move after the pieces have been put together, so children can play with their creations.
This little dude is ready to check out his new ZOOB JR. set!
The packaging was quite colorful, and showed some of the neat things that you can build with the ZOOB JR. pieces!
I was so happy to see that the ZOOB JR. set was in its own carry case, with handle. B does not have a playroom, nor do we really have the space for him to leave his toys out all over the house. This zip-up carry case gives us easy storage, plus- it's a great building set to take along on vacation. We have a couple of trips planned for the summer, and we're definitely planning on brining the ZOOB JR. set along for B to play with during down time.
Take a look at these large, colorful pieces!
Here's a look at some of the different connectors...
It wasn't long before B dumped all of the ZOOB JR. pieces out onto the floor- all 55 of them, and began checking them out. He immediately began trying to fit pieces onto the round foam play pad. I think it's a neat piece to include in the set- gives an extra dimesion to the designs!
B, wasting no time trying to fit the pieces into the foam mat...
The ZOOB JR. set also came with a handy little helper for me- a set of large, colorful cards with photos and instructions for constructing a few different creatures and objects out of the ZOOB JR. pieces. I was thankful for the cards with the building ideas on them... I'm not quite as creative as my husband when it comes to constructing, so having a guide on hand was perfect for me, since I spend the majority of B's play time with him.
The idea cards came in their own plastic box...
Eight idea cards with designs and instructions on the front and back of each one.
The idea cards are such a smart thing to include. For B, he enjoyed looking through the designs, asking what they were, and then selecting one that he wanted to try to build- with help. I prayed that he wouldn't choose the most complicated looking ones to build with me! The cards tell you how many pieces of each colored connector you will need to build a particular model. It also has step by step instructions, with little arrows, which tell you where to place the pieces, how to connect them, and then how to move or bend them so they fit together the right way.
Here's B- free building with the ZOOB JR. set.
The large pieces are perfect for little hands. Just a little push, and click- and the pieces are snapped together.
We have had quite a fun time building all sorts of models from the ideas on the cards, as well as building our own creations. I have enjoyed playing with the ZOOB JR. set with B, but I think he has really enjoyed building ZOOB creations with his daddy, and even his Uncle Matt has gotten in on the ZOOB building action!
Check out some of our ZOOB JR. Creations...
The makings of a ZOOBOT...
Finished ZOOBOT
Helicopter- built by B & mommy! (Thanks to the handy instruction card!)
ZOOB Cube- built by B & Uncle Matt...
Free Build Space Garage...
B, admiring his hard work.
I love that the ZOOB JR. set is a wonderful toy that we can build with together, as a family. It's a wonderful way for the three of us to unwind together after the evening chores are finished. It's a nice way for my husband and son to bond, as well. ZOOB JR. is the type of toy that a child can play with on their own for hours on end! I have found B quietly playing with his ZOOBs in his room, patiently clicking the pieces together. ZOOBs are perfect for any age- all of B's grandparents have been enjoying using the ZOOB JR. set with him, and his older cousins will surely love playing with B, while building the ZOOB JR. set together!
I'm all for toys that encourage kids to be creative. ZOOB JR. encourages little ones to use their imaginations, to follow instructions, to practice patience, etc. B and I have enjoyed couting out the pieces for each color of the ZOOB connectors needed to build a particular model, so we're working on basic math skills when we do this, and he doesn't even realize it.
I know that we'll be enjoying the ZOOB JR. set for a long time, and adding additional connector sets onto the one we received. When B is a little older, we'll be excited to move up to ZOOBs, which are just like the ZOOB JR.'s, only they're smaller, and have a few more colors and connector pieces in their sets.
ZOOB and ZOOB JR. have a lot of really awesome sets to choose from...

ZOOB JR. Express

ZOOBMobile Car Designer

ZOOB DUDE Rescue Ranger

ZOOB Sparkle

ZOOB Inventors' Kit
If you have younger children (ages 4+), consider ZOOB JR. the next time you're looking for a gift, or are wanting to surprise them with something special. For older children, ZOOB sets are the way to go- they'll love all of the different creations that they can make (and then play with) with their ZOOB sets. ZOOB and ZOOB JR. is perfect for boys and girls, and can be enjoyed by the whole family! I am happy to have this awesome ZOOB JR. set on hand to get us through the summer, as we play and learn at home, and on the go! Are you a teacher? ZOOB would make a wonderful addition to your classroom! Think of all the learning fun you and your students could have with ZOOB!
Want It? Buy It!
Head on over to ZOOB to browse the entire collection of ZOOB and ZOOB JR. sets! You can also connect with ALEX Brands on Facebook. To check out some awesome ZOOB and ZOOB JR. building ideas, check out the ZOOB website!
Special thanks to our friends at ALEX Brands for allowing us to experience fun and learning with this wonderful ZOOB JR. set!

I'm all for toys that encourage kids to be creative. ZOOB JR. encourages little ones to use their imaginations, to follow instructions, to practice patience, etc. B and I have enjoyed couting out the pieces for each color of the ZOOB connectors needed to build a particular model, so we're working on basic math skills when we do this, and he doesn't even realize it.
I know that we'll be enjoying the ZOOB JR. set for a long time, and adding additional connector sets onto the one we received. When B is a little older, we'll be excited to move up to ZOOBs, which are just like the ZOOB JR.'s, only they're smaller, and have a few more colors and connector pieces in their sets.
ZOOB and ZOOB JR. have a lot of really awesome sets to choose from...

ZOOB JR. Express

ZOOBMobile Car Designer

ZOOB DUDE Rescue Ranger

ZOOB Sparkle

ZOOB Inventors' Kit
If you have younger children (ages 4+), consider ZOOB JR. the next time you're looking for a gift, or are wanting to surprise them with something special. For older children, ZOOB sets are the way to go- they'll love all of the different creations that they can make (and then play with) with their ZOOB sets. ZOOB and ZOOB JR. is perfect for boys and girls, and can be enjoyed by the whole family! I am happy to have this awesome ZOOB JR. set on hand to get us through the summer, as we play and learn at home, and on the go! Are you a teacher? ZOOB would make a wonderful addition to your classroom! Think of all the learning fun you and your students could have with ZOOB!
Want It? Buy It!
Head on over to ZOOB to browse the entire collection of ZOOB and ZOOB JR. sets! You can also connect with ALEX Brands on Facebook. To check out some awesome ZOOB and ZOOB JR. building ideas, check out the ZOOB website!
Special thanks to our friends at ALEX Brands for allowing us to experience fun and learning with this wonderful ZOOB JR. set!

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