Thanks for dropping by to get to know the MBP team of bloggers a little better. This week, we're catching up with MBP Contributor Steph.
Good Eats- What's For Dinner Tonight?
It's Thursday so we have a late basketball night, B goes with Daddy to ball and it is his night to pick what we have. I am betting he will pick some type of fast food tonight or maybe even just a frozen pizza since we have eaten at home all week.
Whatcha Reading?
Unfortunately, nothing. I have been so insanely busy that I have no extra time to sit down and read, and even if I tried I would probably fall asleep within a few minutes. I am hoping maybe with school starting again soon that I will have some more "mommy" time to catch up on some new titles.
Listening to Anything Good?
I like pop music, so we usually have Radio Disney or Hits 1 on in the car, with a splash of the 90s on 9 too. Summer is always such a good time for new music too, so we have been loving all the new hits coming out.
Whatcha Been Watching?
Hell's Kitchen, a former co-worker is in the finale tonight. I am not normally a fan of the show, but since I know Scott, I gave in. Check him out tonight if you can! We also have been watching the Harry Potter movies with B, we are on number 5 now.
I Dreamed a Dream of...
I can't ever remember my dreams anymore, it may be the old age or the lack of actual deep sleep, I don't know which.
What I'm Lovin' this Week...
Having B sort of by himself this week. S is with my parents for a few days so we have been having some good alone time when C is napping and in the evening. Even at 7.5 he is still a mommy's boy who loves to snuggle, I will take it as long as he is willing!
I am so Done With...
Back to school stuff, we haven't even started our supply shopping but I am just not ready for the kids to go back yet. Our summer has flown by and I have loved having the kids with me everyday. I just want more time!!
What I'm Looking Forward to...
Soccer and baseball starting up again, I love heading to the fields and cheering on the kids in sports they love. Being out in the beautiful weather is always a plus too!
Thanks for catching up with me!
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