Hey, hey and happy Wednesday! I'm looking forward to the weekend... I am ready to relax a bit, and then get a bit creative with my dad and pal, Derek, as we get together for a music writing session. I'm sure you couldn't tell that I love to write- it's sort of what I do, and all. Nine or ten years ago, my dad and I began writing worship music together... my sister, my husband, and friend Derek all contributed to helping create some really great lyrics and melodies, which we in turn recorded and released (in 2007) on a worship album titled Songs Along the Way. It seems like a million years ago.
Since then, dad and I have written together off and on, and we've created some truly beautiful, and meaningful worship songs, which we use in our own church from time to time. This Saturday, we're putting our heads together once more, to sit down and create new music, in hopes of sharing it with our church.
Me, with my dad at Time Warner Cable Arena last Friday night...
Last Friday, we had the opportunity to experience and be a part of a live worship album recording from Elevation Church. Elevation Church is the closest thing we have to say a Hillsong-like church in NC. They are really on the rise down here- with 11 campuses! What they do is impressive to me, and their worship team is young and fresh, as is their pastor. We got to sit back and be a part of their recording for their brands new album, Wake Up the Wonder. It was intersting to be there and learn new worship music, take in what they do, how they do it (we're always observing how worship is presented by others), but most of all, it was just awesome to be with thousands of people in that big arena, who were simply there to worship God.
Just a partial view of the arena before worship began.
Being a part of this awesome event on Friday really sort of renewed my spirit, and energized my heart for what it is we do to share the love of God in our own church. We're building a new building on our church campus, which will house a brand new space for our service of contemporary worship, for which I serve as one of the worship leaders. I'm just excited, because God is on the move. I truly believe that God's purpose for me, and for my voice/songwriting ability, is to simply share about His goodness, love and grace through Word and song.
By the way, if you're ever curious about our worship music, just drop me a line... I'd love to share it with you!
Be blessed...
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