With the official start of the fall season being just days away, I am itching for everything fall fashion! However, I know that as soon as fall is truly here, it will be Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, and then we'll slide right into the new year, and I'll be yearning for summer again. With just a few days left of summer, I intend to fully enjoy them. One thing that goes on, regardless of the season, is my love of nail polish. I'm not so great at choosing new colors, appreciate for the seasons at the store. I am always rushed while shopping, and it's hard for me to narrow it down to just a couple of favorites... and if you haven't noticed, nail polish can be sort of pricey! When I ran across a hip and fun nail polish subscription box, I knew I had to check it out.

SquareHue is a monthly nail polish subscription service, which delivers three fresh nail polish colors every month, right to your door, for just $14.99! SquareHue delivers limited edition, trend-setting colors which are matched to meet the colors of the season. I was pretty excited to receive a recent SquareHue Box, and to be surprised with some brand new colors of nail polish!
My SquareHue Box arrived, and I couldn't wait to open it up!
Lying atop the products in the SquareHue August Box, was a card, telling me more about the color collection. The August polish trio came from the Passport Collection: Beverly Hills, and contained three square bottles of beautiful nail colors. The colors included in this collection were Rodeo Drive, Cannon Drive, and Willshire Boulevard.
A sneak peek at the beautiful trio of nail polish in the August SquareHue Box.
SquareHue offers truly unique colors of polish, as well as unique nail polish bottles. The bottles themselves are glass, and are square, with a bit of weight to them. The weight keeps them from becoming top heavy and tipping over. I am no stranger to knocking over a tall bottle of nail polish during a home manicure session. It creates a big mess, wastes money, and ruins any work that you've already spent time doing on your nails. The sides of the bottle are clear, so you can easily see the color, and quickly make your selection each and every time.
These were the colors in the SquareHue 08.14 Box- shades of blue, purple, and gold.
I have to be honest- these were not colors that I would have chosen for myself and purchased. I mean, I do like blue, purple and gold, but I prefer a more subtle look, most of the time. However, I was definitely still willing to give these colors a try, and more than that, I wanted to really test the nail polish.
I want to give you fair warning before you look at photos of my painted nails... I stink at painting my own nails. I fully understand why women pay others to do this for them... I just can't afford that hefty manicure price tag, so when I do want painted nails, I do them myself. My husband paints professionally, and keeps asking me if he wants me to let him paint my nails. He jokes that I am like a toddler with a paint brush when I paint my own... not far from the truth, I must say.
Here's a glimpse of my fingernails, after being color swiped with the Cannon Drive polish.
I was very impressed by the polish, overall. I loved the brush, which has a lot to do with how well you can paint your own nails, if you ask me. The brush wasn't too short or too thin, or even too wide. It was just the right size and length to allow for nice, even brush strokes, reaching the edges and corners, without sweeping over too much. The polish went on smoothly, without pooling or being too thin in certain spots. One coat might have been enough, but I went for two coats, just to be safe.
The SquareHue polish dried extremely fast, and allowed me to go on with what I needed to do.
I was surprised by how quickly the polish dried. I mean, it was dry within 2-3 minutes, and wasn't tacky. If I can touch a finger to the nail without it smudging or leaving prints, I know it's fully dry, and that was the case just minutes after using the SquareHue polish!
I wanted to play with the Willshire Boulevard and Rodeo Drive polishes. I might have been more likely to purchase these colors than the Cannon Drive. These almost remind me of school spirit colors that you might wear to a football game. I figured they'd be the perfect colors to paint my toes with, to say goodbye to the golden days of summer, and usher in the fall season. Rodeo Drive is a micro glitter polish, whereas Cannon Drive and Willshire Blvd. are micro shimmers.
I thought the blue and gold were really fun together.
Surprisingly. I really liked the deep blue Willshire Blvd. color, and loved the glittery gold! I think the Rodeo Drive polish is going to be a go-to for the holidays this year! Willshire Blvd. is right on trend with all of the blue hues I have been spotting for the fall season, and is a big step up from boring navy.
Can't go wrong with blue and gold for the start of the fall season!
I have really been pleased with the way the polish has been wearing. I don't usually polish my fingernails, because I know that between the dishes, laundry, and other day to day stuff around my house, those babies will wind up chipped in no time! I did have a bit of chipping on the fourth day after I polished my fingers, but that was my own fault- due to scrubbing the tub without gloves on. Nothing a quick re-do wouldn't take care of. I figured it was just as well, and I would save the Cannon Drive polish for early spring, which I felt that particular color was better suited for, anyway.
I gave the SquareHue Box 4 stars out of a possible 5 stars. I love the product, and the value (considering a good nail polish can run about $10/bottle), and you can't beat the convenience! The color pallet was a bit off for my personal taste, but hey- I got to try some new colors (three full size bottles of nail polish), and really loved two out of three of them.

More cool stuff about SquareHue...
Receive Three, Full-Size, .50oz Nail Polish Bottles
Subscribers receive a limited edition collection of 3 polishes monthly. You’ll never get the same color twice.
No trial-size box fillers
Discover new and exciting premium colors.
Bottles designed for stability and easy color selection.
Stay Fashionably Up to Date
We curate colors to keep you in style and in season. Each month has a distinct personality to suit a variety of dress needs. Day or evening, casual or luxe, we’ve got you covered.
Custom created colors and finishes
Flexible color combinations
Break out of the same color routine
No-Hassle Subscription
We value your time and are committed to make our service to you as easy as possible.
Automatic monthly shipments
Suspend or Pause your account
You say when to join and when to cancel
Satisfaction Guarantee
We are sure you’ll love SquareHue quality. Our colors are long lasting and durable. Quick drying with a beautiful, high-shine finish.
“5-Free” Clean formula – Does not contain Formaldehyde, Toluene, DBP, Camphor or Formaldehyde Resin
Not tested on animals
Proudly Made in the USA
Plus, SquareHue is committed to making a difference in the lives of others.
Color Your Nails. Change the World.
SquareHue is committed to helping others. We actively seek organizations that are deep in the trenches assisting and caring for those hurting and in need. It’s simple, you get marvelous nail polish delivered to your door and we give to organizations dedicated to helping others. Together we can make a significant difference. You get, Hue gives.
SquareHue is pretty awesome! I love companies who are focused on giving back, and right now, SquareHue's current focus is on Human Trafficking. Your SquareHue purchase means that a portion of that purchase will be donated for prevention awareness, the protection of trafficked victims and the prosecution of human traffickers.

SquareHue offers truly gorgeous nail polish for an unbeatable price, and offers convenience you will love! This is definitely a monthly box that I would subscribe to myself, or gift to a friend for a special occasion, such as a birthday. SquareHue would make a really fun Christmas gift, too- so if you're already thinking ahead to the holiday season, like I know you are- make sure to put SquareHue on your personal wish list, or go ahead and jot it down beside your sister or friend's name- trust me, they'll love SquareHue, and so will you!
Want It? Subscribe!
You can subscribe now and get on the list for the next monthly subscription box from SquareHue! You can pause or cancel your subscription any time. SquareHue is social and would love to connect with you on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.
Special thanks to SquareHue for allowing me to review their wonderful August box! I can't wait to see what's in future collections!
Stay stylish!

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