Merry Christmas to you! We're so excited that Christmas is finally here, and hope that you have been enjoying the holiday with family and friends! Thanks for dropping by to get to know the MBP team of bloggers a little better. This week , we're catching up with MBP Founder, Ondria Witt.
Good Eats- What's for Dinner Tonight?
Well, we're at my mom and dad's house on Christmas day, during the dinner hour, so we're having a simple meal of ham sliders, potato casserole, mac and cheese for the little man, and some snacks, like my very favorite spanakopita, which I only make on Christmas.
Whatcha Reading?
I haven't been reaching much in the way of books. I have been reading the Advent Devotinal booklet that was written by several members of my church, including myself. I am also doing a lot of research on yoga for stress relief, how to protect knees and wrists during yoga, and have been looking a bit at prenatal yoga and pilates.
Listening to Anything Good?
A big mix of Christmas music, from classic carols to beautiful brass arrangements, and contemporary favorites. We had our two big services of Lessons and Carols at church yesterday, and I got to sing a lot of favorites.
Whatcha Been Watching?
Oddly enough, hubby and I have been watching Parks & Recreation. I've never really been into it before, but Sacha has always insisted that it's hilarious, and that I just wasn't giving it a chance. We started watching it from the beginning on Netflix a couple of weeks ago. He's right- it's pretty hilarious. Aside from that, I have been watching Christmas movies and specials with B- we have watched Prep and Landing (in particular) about twenty times.
I Dreamed a Dream of...
I have been feeling very tired and relaxed lately, so when head has hit the pillow at bedtime, I've been out for the count, not remembering any dreams.
What I'm Loving This Week...
It's Christmas week! This week will be super busy, but jam packed with fun! We started our week off with dinner with good friends at their gorgeous new lake house, took B and Cousin C to see MEGA Christmas lights at Tanglewood Park, did some holiday baking and delivered goody trays to those we wanted to say thanks to this season, enjoyed beautiful Christmas Eve services at our church, had brunch with my bestie and her fiance, did some last minute shopping with my mom, and today, we're spending the whole day with family- first Sacha's family, and then mine- and we're seeing friends at my mom and dad's house, too. Whew! By the tie tomorrow rolls around, I will need a serious nap!
I am so Done With...
Holiday anxiety- but I never want Christmas to end! I love it!
Thanks for catching up with me today!
Have a Great Thursday, and a very Merry Christmas!

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