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Holiday Gift Guide 2014: Celebrate the Men Too: Pure Romance with Karen {Review and Giveaway}


**Please do not enter Karen's Pure Romance website, unless you are 18+.**
Many of you have followed MBP since the beginning, some have been with us awhile, and some of you are brand new friends. For those who are newer, we take time each quarter to highlight some amazing companies, many who are direct sales companies, in a feature we call Spotlight Sponsors. One of our more dedicated sponsors is a woman, Karen, who works for a company who likes to EMPOWER, EDUCATE, and ENTERTAIN.

~A bit about Pure Romance~
Pure Romance is a company that began as an adventure for Patty Brisben in 1983, after seeing a segment on a talk show, about a direct sales company selling intimacy aides for both in and out of the bedroom. This interested her enough to become a full time consultant with this company a year later and stay a top sales earner for ten years until the company folded. With this knowledge, Patty took a chance, invested her own money and with the support of 55 consultants, launched Slumber Parties, from her basement, which eventually became Pure Romance.

In 2000, Patty's oldest son Chris joined Pure Romance to run the day to day operations and together Chris and Patty traveled the country to spread word of Pure Romance and their mission. Today Pure Romance is a multi million dollar business, a leading source of information for women's sexual health issues, and all four of Patty's children hold key positions within the company. Patty obviously knew what she was doing and has continued to learn and grow her company.
Why should you shop with Karen? Karen is a Senior Consultant with Pure Romance, and can help you find something that will WOW you, whether it be for bath, beauty, or bedroom, she can suggest great things. She can help you SHOP, HOST a party, JOIN the Pure Romance team, or LEARN some new tips, techniques, and advice.
I have worked with Karen a handful of times now, and each time have been pleasantly surprised that what she chooses is exactly what I needed. To see my other reviews, click here, here, and here. A little spicing up of our body or relationships can never be a bad thing.
This time around, Karen wanted to switch tracks just a bit and showcase something new that Pure Romance was offering. It was a bit different than their regular products and collections and would be something that every man could use and not be shy about.
My Pure Romance with Karen package is here!
Usually, when it is something from Pure Romance, I am used to seeing a little black bag. I love this aspect because it makes it kind of "secret" to anyone else but you. Knowing what was in this package, it really doesn't require any secret, it is just a normal everyday type product, and it wasn't for me.

Karen sent the Pure Romance Shave Cream from the new Men's Line

Can I just first say, opening the package I could immediately smell the yummy goodness of this cream's fragrance. I could have maybe sniffed the bag longer, but figured I should just wait until my hubby used it and sniff his face instead.

This cream comes in a very manly, just trendy 8-ounce container, and retails for $19. The bright orange and blue is very appealing and I would definitely notice it on a store shelf (but I don't even have to worry about hitting the store for this one). The new line of Skin and Body Care for Men all has the same look, I could see this appealing to many, if not all, men.

The Shave Cream is just that, a cream, not a foaming gel. My hubby prefers the foam because he says he can tell where he has already shaved, but I don't really buy that. I told him he was going to try the Pure Romance Shave Cream and see what he thought.

This particular cream is very smooth to put on and specially formulated to help soothe and protect sensitive skin, which leads to less irritation, razor burns, and ingrown hairs. My hubby was a good sport and gave it a go. He said it was easy to apply-just putting on a thin layer on his damp face and wait a few minutes for it to soak into the skin. He also said it felt smooth on his face, not goopy or oily. He completed his regular shave routine and commented that while he still preferred foaming gel, he didn't mind the Shave Cream. I guess we can call that a win. He did like the fragrance and enjoyed that I liked the fragrance too. Little did I know beforehand, but after reading the instructions, you can also use this Shave Cream as a hair conditioner, I think that just might be the new use for my husband.

Other products from the Pure Romance Men's Line include:
With a whole new line just for men, Pure Romance has hit a great market. Men have to shave, shower, and smell good to show off for the ladies and these products will definitely help. Any of these items would make great stocking stuffers for the guys of any age in your life.
Looking for something a little spicier? You might want to introduce a few fun Male Adult Toys into your intimate relationship.

Check out these fun things:
Want It? Buy It!
**Please do not enter Karen's Pure Romance website, unless you are 18+.**
Ready to shop some Pure Romance by Karen? Visit her Pure Romance page and shop the extensive collection of products, remember you must be 18+ to enter. When you make a purchase, it will arrive in discreet packaging too. You can also friend Pure Romance by Karen on Facebook for product information, fun happenings, and more. You can earn FREE Pure Romance merchandise by hosting a party with Karen! Looking for a fun way to earn some extra income, or to start your own business, contact Karen for more information.
Thank you to Karen and Pure Romance!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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