Happy Friday!
Who has already gotten their workout in for the day? I know we have had a busy few months and our motivation and workouts have been slacking, but no more excuses. We are back on the exercise wagon and trying to stay in shape like we did in 2014. We have a trip to Hawaii planned this spring, so that is giving me extra motivation to keep it up.
With our hectic schedule, we have used "not having time" as an excuse more than we should. We were so excited to see a workout program that appealed to both of us that was just 25 minutes a day that would really help us focus on ourselves and our goals.
T25 with Shawn T from BeachBody has been our new go-to workout.
"Here's the #1 excuse for not working out...
It's no surprise...you don't have time. Well, nobody's getting ripped by wishing they could fit in a workout. So let's take that excuse right off the table. Because now I've got a 25-minute workout that pushes you as hard—or harder—than any hour-long workout you've ever done. A workout that will have you dripping with sweat after 10 minutes, and totally done in 25."
We purchased the T25 workout which comes with 5 Alpha DVDs that are 25 minutes each. These DVDs are the base workouts in the series. They include:
- Cardio--a good, heart pumping, sweaty workout, one of my favorites
- Speed 1.0--fast paced and works on quickness, Adam doesn't love it, but I am a fan
- Total Body Circuit--strength and resistance training, pretty difficult and I am always glad when it is over
- Ab Intervals--cardio and ab work that is tough but rewarding
- Lower Focus--works on lower muscles, you can feel the burn the next day with this one
After you complete the Alpha series, you move to the Beta Cycle, which is another set of 5 DVDs that are 25 minutes each. These DVDs are the next step in reaching your fitness/weight goals. They include:
- Core Cardio
- Speed 2.0
- Rip'T Circuit
- Dynamic Core
- Upper Focus
We have not made it to the Beta Cycle yet, but hope to get there by mid-February.
There is also a Gamma Cycle, which already sounds scary, but I have it in my head that I can do anything for 25 minutes. The T25 series also gives nutrition and wellness tips, along with a daily workout calendar to move you closer and closer to your goals.
Working out is a mindset that I am so glad to have finally found. I feel so much better after I have been out for a run or finished a T25 DVD. I know that I am teaching our kids that health is important and they even look forward to the T25 workouts and even participate in some of the moves.
So, no more excuses, you can always find at least 25 minutes somewhere in your day to get it done.
Ok, if I was headed to Hawaii, I might be able to stick to it, too. But once in Hawaii, I would be eating at every luau within sight.