Even though it's terribly hot and humid outside this time of year in NC, and we're usually looking for ways to stay cool, we still love to find ways to play outside. B is an active kid, and he loves swimming, running, and random dance parties. We don't have a super large yard, and like most kids around the age of 4 or 5, B is definitely more into sports and outdoor gear that moves. B has a couple of different bikes, and they're great, but we're always interested in fun new outdoor toys that will bring along new challenge.
![Hearthsong logo](http://hearthsongcdn.cachefly.net/images/design/hs_logo.jpg)
Over the past few years, our family has developed quite a fondness for HearthSong. Since its beginning in 1983, HearthSong has been committed to helping parents follow their instincts to provide their children with age-appropriate, wholesome, quality playthings. That's because at HearthSong, we believe childhood is a vital chapter in life-a special time when children can be occupied with the joy of being children. And, equally importantly, a time when children need to experience as much creative, imaginative play as possible because kids experience so many of life's first lessons through play.
Sacha and I know how very important learning through play is for children. I try to encourage spontaneous play, and silliness, when appropriate. We love watching our son learn and grow through play, and cherish the memories we make together during play time, as well. When we were offered the opportunity to try out the Go Pedal from HearthSong, I was bursting with excitement over how excited I knew B would be!
Wide-eyed and mystified... B wondered what in the world might be in this large box from HearthSong?
B waited patiently as daddy opened up the box.
The Go Pedal from HearthSong arrived in three pieces- the base, and two handle bars, along with lots of tiny brackets and screws.
Every man's best friend- the instruction sheet. Thankfully, these instructions were easy-peasy to follow, and we had all of the parts needed to put this awesome new outdoor ride-on together.
The base/pedal board of the Go Pedal was in one piece, thankfully.
Each handle bar was individually wrapped.
B decided to be on 'parts duty' while daddy checked the handle bars out.
*B knows to be careful with the parts, not to put them in his mouth, stick them up his nose, etc. Otherwise, do keep the small parts away from little ones.
I never worry when something has to be put together, because Sacha is so darn handy. He placed the brackets on the underside of the Go Pedal, just to see where they needed to be secured, and then went for the handle bars. The whole process of adding the handles and brackets took about fifteen minutes.
Positioning the brackets...
Securing the handle bars.
Once hubby tested out the handle bars, making sure they were tightened, and properly secured, we were ready to head outside, and take that thing for a spin! B asked me to grab his helmet (so proud that he puts safety first, by the way), and off we went!
We got B all suited up for the Go Pedal's maiden voyage down the sidewalk.
B was semi-apprehensive at first...
...but daddy showed him where to put his feet on the pedals, and how to move his legs, just as if he were pedaling a bike.
Once B got the hang of the Go Pedal, there was no slowing him down!
It was a bit of a slow start, but after B found his balance, we really worked those pedals well.
I wanted to get in on the Go Pedal action, too. It has a 175 pound weight limit, so it was safe for me to use, as well. Even I was a little scared to start moving my legs and get to pedaling the Go Pedal. It's very sturdy, but I am clumsy! My biggest fear was that because of my height, I had to sort of lean over a little bit, in order to hold onto the handle bars. B actually has the same problem- he is 4 years old, and is 3'11"! B has to lean a bit to grasp the handle bars, and leaning too far forward can cause the Go Pedal to tip over. My only complaint about this product is that the handle bars aren't adjustable- we certainly wish they were. If B keeps a steady balance, and doesn't lean too far forward, he's good to go on the Go Pedal!
The Go Pedal is so much fun to ride! My mom even took a turn on it, and thought it was a blast! For older children, you can actually ride on the Go Pedal without the handle bars attached! I would be way too chicken to try to ride it without being able to hold onto something, but I have a feeling that as soon as B is old enough, he'll want those handle bars gone, and he'll just use his own arms for balancing on the Go Pedal.
Check out the Go Pedal in action...
Pretty awesome, huh?
We haven't had any major hurts from losing balance on the Go Pedal yet, but B suggested we get him some knee and elbow pads, just in case. I love that the Go Pedal is actually helping B improve upon his own balance and coordination. I had hoped that he wouldn't inherit the 'clumsy gene' from me and my dad, but sadly, he did. The Go Pedal helps him balance himself, and it's helping him get used to pedaling, just like he would on a regular bike.
Since the Go Pedal is pretty compact, and the handles can easily be removed within minutes, it makes this a great active toy to take along to the park, or on vacation. We're hitting the road in August to head to NJ to visit family, and we're bringing the Go Pedal with us, so B can ride in the park by my uncles' house. We're looking forward to what fun that will be!
Details of the Go Pedal
Pedal pushing is an all-around great sport for all-around great kids. The sturdy set of four strong wheels and two broad, steel-axled pedals is all it takes to create a challenging (and tons of fun) test of balance and coordination that strengthens muscles and builds confidence. Younger kids enjoy the removable handles that provide extra support until they can grow into hands-free pedaling. A fun step up for ages 4 and up; up to 175 lbs.
• Sturdy set of four strong wheels and two broad, steel-axled pedals
• Removable handles provide extra support for learners
• Graduate to hands-free pedaling
• Challenging (and fun) test of balance and coordination
• For kids up to 175 lbs.
For ages 4 and up.
I definitely recommend the Go Pedal for kids, ages 4+. It's a fun new way for them to stay active this summer, and enjoy the outdoors. You could even enjoy this cool toy indoors, if you have a lot of open space.
Check out even more great products for summer play from HearthSong...
![Indoor/Outdoor Giant Inflatable Bowling Game](http://hearthsongcdn.cachefly.net/getDynamicImage.aspx?width=230&height=253&path=725533x.jpg)
Giant Bowling Game
![Round-and-Round Swing™](http://hearthsongcdn.cachefly.net/getDynamicImage.aspx?width=230&height=253&path=727596sux.jpg)
Round and Round Swing
![Jungle Jumparoo®](http://hearthsongcdn.cachefly.net/getDynamicImage.aspx?width=230&height=253&path=729541x.jpg)
Jungle Jumparoo
![Kick Croquet Kids Outdoor Game](http://hearthsongcdn.cachefly.net/getDynamicImage.aspx?width=230&height=253&path=729279x.jpg)
Kick Croquet
![HearthSong Inflatable Water Slide for Kids](http://hearthsongcdn.cachefly.net/getDynamicImage.aspx?width=230&height=253&path=729161x.jpg)
Water Slide
Want it? Get it!
Any of the above featured items would make wonderful gifts this summer season! Head on over to HearthSong to browse all of their wonderful toys, games and gifts! HearthSong makes it easy to find gifts for children of all ages- shop by category, by age, or use the gift finder for a little extra help in finding that perfect gift!
I also encourage you to take a moment to learn more about HearthSong Heroes- Kids Helping Kids Through Play!
Want it? Win it!
One lucky MBP reader will win their very own Go Pedal from HearthSong, valued at $59.95! Ths giveaway is open to US residents, 18 and older- no PO Boxes, please. Just use the handy RC entry form below to enter for your chance to win! MBP is not responsible for prize fulfillment. Please read our policies page for complete contest rules.
Special thanks to our friends at HearthSong for adding some extra fun to our summer with the Go Pedal, and for offering this fantastic giveaway for our readers!
Good luck!
I would Gift it to My Great Nephew he would just love it!!
ReplyDeleteThey would love the kids crochet set. I know I always played crochet as a kid I loved it..
ReplyDeleteThat looks like so much fun! I'd give this to my nieces and nephews.
ReplyDeleteThis would be for my daughter!
I would love this for my son
ReplyDeleteI have a son that has to lay because of his disease. I would love the deluxe platform swing for him.
ReplyDeleteI would give to my 2 nephews and niece.
ReplyDeleteMy oldest would love the Nylon Canvas HugglePod®HangOut with LED Lights
ReplyDeleteOh I would love for Carter to be able to use this when we go to the parks, or down the street to visit neighbors!
ReplyDeleteI think my boys would love the Bubble Thing and Bubble Mix.
ReplyDeleteMy 2 kids would like it for the park and playing in the backyard.
ReplyDeleteMy son would love the pirate tent.
ReplyDeleteThe light up gliding soccer ball looks awesome!
ReplyDeleteI Would Share This With My Nephew!
ReplyDeleteEntry Name- Heather Hayes Panjon
Oh I also really love the Classic Training Slackline! They have so many fun toys!
ReplyDeleteThe inflatable water slide for kids would be perfect for this hot summer!
ReplyDeleteMy children would share it!
ReplyDeleteEach year around our friends' daughter's birthday we go camping together. Next year she'll be 4 and she'd have a blast riding this all around the campground!
ReplyDeleteThe Night Phantom Sky Rocket looks fun!
ReplyDeleteMy son would like the Dragonfly Kite
ReplyDeleteI'd like to try out the Light-Up Gliding Soccer Ball!
ReplyDeleteI'd like to try out the Light-Up Gliding Soccer Ball!
ReplyDeleteMy grandchildren would really have a lot of fun with the " Incred-a-Ball " It is really a Beautiful Ball..
ReplyDeleteOh I also really love their Music Jam Playmat!
ReplyDeleteI would give this to my daughter.
ReplyDeleteI think my son would also like the Mega Morphibian
ReplyDeleteI would really like to have this for myself, but would probably let my niece have it for her July birthday party!
ReplyDeleteMy family would love the Haunted House Ginger Bread Kit. We love Halloween!
ReplyDeleteI would give this to my kids.
ReplyDeleteMy son would love the HearthSong Inflatable Water Slide for Kids.
ReplyDeleteMy youngest son would love Flashing Windmills Light-Up Toy
ReplyDeleteMy younger Grandsons woulf just love to play Kick Crocket.. This store has so many amazing things for childrens play! Its pretty much things I have never seen. So Awesome!
ReplyDeleteMy son would like the Gourmet Chef Kitchen.
ReplyDeleteMy Grandkids would love the Giant Bowling Ball & Pins. Awesome~~
ReplyDeleteI would share it with my son!
ReplyDeleteMy family would flip out for the Giant Bowling Game!!! It is amazingly big and hilarious....we would have hours of fun with it!
ReplyDeleteMy son would love the connectagons glowing in the dark celestial building set.
ReplyDeleteMy grandchildren would just love & go crazy with the "Jungle Jumperoo"...Awesome!!
ReplyDeleteI would share this with my daughter.
ReplyDeleteWow. I have a nephew who would love this
The folding lap desk would be great for my son.
ReplyDeleteI would give this to my niece
the Inflatable water slide would be fun
ReplyDeleteThis would be great for the school kids
The Grand kids would just love that water slide. Too Cute~ Looks like a lot of fun!!