Some say summer is here, others say it is knocking on the door; either way, its arrival is imminent. It is a realization that has us looking at our kitchen in a whole new light (that could just be natural light, though). Our wants and needs just change when summer is here. We’re all about light and (sometimes) healthy meals, with an occasional dollop of something cool to counter the warm weather. However, we’re also about making kitchen life as easy as possible because the less time we spend in the kitchen the more time we can spend in our little piece of the great outdoors.
That’s why we’ve compiled a list of must have appliances to make your summer that little bit simpler and that little bit more enjoyable. Winter is about necessities but summer is all about luxuries.
A Blender
These things are amazing. They are arguably the must-have gadget because their uses are near enough infinite. When it comes to the summer, though, they offer us one thing that stands out above all other needs; nutritious and delicious smoothies. Whether it is losing weight or a liquid lunch; a blender has the answer, and it provides them in a matter of seconds. Of course, it isn’t just smoothies you can make. Summer soups, raw sauces, pancake batter mix, even sorbets and ice creams. Like we’ve alluded to, this appliance epitomizes summer.
A Vegetable Spiralizer
In the winter, these things literally collect dust. We’re just all about stews and pies and calorific meals that can keep us warm day and night. In comes summer, though, and these handy little gadgets get used tri-weekly. What can you use them for? Salads is the obvious shout, pretty salads too. Courgette noodles, zucchini spaghetti, and just about any other soft veg you can think of that will make gorgeous ribbons. One of the things we had in a restaurant recently is spiral potato fries, which we then did at home, using tallow to give it even more tastiness. It was truly delicious.
An Ice Maker
It’s hot. At least we hope it is. That what summer is all about and, judging by predictions, it is looking like it will be. That’s where an ice maker can transform your life because, when they’re working, they’re offering up tiny frozen miracles. Just make sure you have sub zero refrigerator repair company on standby so that you never have to go without this luxury for too long. Spontaneous garden parties, busy barbecues, cocktails, refreshing smoothies, perfectly moist burgers, all of these become so much better and easier to achieve when you have an endless supply of ice to delve into. It’s a must-have for summer. You can find it and many other kitchen appliances at
A Salad Spinner
It’s one of those odd phenomenon's that almost everyone will nod in agreement with. No one touches salad in winter. It doesn’t even cross their mind. Not for a smidgen of a second. However, when it comes to summer, we just can’t get enough of them. We admit there will be a few people reading this that think they are a waste of space, which is why we’re going to take the tongue in cheek road and confirm there are in fact collapsible ones. No space wasted. What’s more, if you don’t like salad, then maybe it's because you’ve never really ventured out into the wide world of salad for salad haters. There are so many delicious and filling recipes out there, it is well worth exploring and doing so with a salad spinner.
What are your must-have appliances for the summertime?
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