I wanted to share a bit of my heart today with all of you precious readers and hope that it can encourage you and in turn help someone else today.
Teaching our children how to help others is vital in developing their character. I believe that to whom much is given, much is required. Whether you have a lot or a little to give of time, energy or money, you do what you can to help your fellow man.
There are scriptures in the Bible that speak about this very thing.
In Hebrews, the Bible says to do good and share with others and in doing so, God is pleased.
In John, it says to love one another as God has loved us. How has God loved us? He gave us his son, which was his most precious gift.
In Matthew, give to the one who asks of you.
Time and time again the Bible teaches us to help, give and share. The best way to teach our children this concept is to lead by example.
If you've never seen "homeless bags" or had the opportunity to hand one to a homeless person, please consider it!
Put aside whatever preconceived notions you may have and decide to do a small act that could change someone's life for the better.
Just fill a bag with some essentials and even some goodies and keep it in your car. I like to include a tract that shares the good news of Jesus Christ's love for everyone and look for those on your local corner that in the past you may have driven right past.
A million small acts are no longer small. Every person matters and every person needs love.
I really love this idea. We try to help those in need by donating to the local food bank.