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Kiss Bladder Leakage Goodbye for Good with the ApexM by InControl Medical

This is a sponsored conversation on behalf of InControl Medical. All thoughts are my own.

Bladder leakage. It's not the sort of topic that most moms would openly discuss waiting in line to pick their little ones up from playgroup, but you might be surprised at how often the topic pops up mid-conversation in mom group meet-ups or even over coffee with close friends. Bladder leakage is one of those (not-so-) lovely problems that comes along postpartum, or even for women who haven't had children, often later in life. 

Is bladder leakage just a part of life for women?

Many women just resign to the fact that bladder leakage is a part of life and learn to live with it, as uncomfortable and irritating as it is. In the last 5 - 10 years of her life, I watched my grandmother suffer through bladder leakage, which made it difficult for her to do everyday things, like riding in a car, going for walks with her dog, or going anywhere that might not have a restroom. This made me so sad because I felt like she was missing out on life.

Been there, done that, and it's time to do something about it. 

I can clearly remember a vivid picture of my mom standing at the kitchen sink, washing dishes, and doing the 'pee-pee dance,' while my younger sister and I giggled and roared with laughter. Mom would quickly drop the wet sponge and bolt to the bathroom, shouting back, 'If you have babies one day, you won't think it's so funny!' At the time, we just rolled our eyes and continued with our chuckles. Fast-forward 25 years, and now I'm a thirty-five-year-old mother of two, and have my own version of the 'pee-pee dance,' which my kids have lovingly named the 'Emergen-Pee Dance.' Now the tables have turned, and I'm the one bolting to the bathroom while washing dishes, shouting, 'Emergen-pee!' This is code for an emergency pee-pee situation, and the kids (laughing all the way) know to get out of mommy's way- fast!

It's not what you may be thinking- the ApexM is a US-made medical device for home use, giving you a safe, convenient & affordable way to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles.

Time to take control with ApexM

It's not fun to be caught off guard, in desperate need of relief. If you've had a baby, chances are, your pelvic floor muscles aren't what they used to be, and you have less control over your bladder. The slightest little bumps, belly laughs or sneezes can lead to embarrassing leakage. Most of us just live with wearing pads or panty liners, but what if I told you that you didn't have to live like that anymore? InControl Medical offers safe, affordable solutions to bladder leakage with the ApexM, a medical device which stimulates your pelvic floor muscles and strengthens them over time.

The ApexM comes with everything shown here.

As a woman who has experienced bladder leakage since the birth of her first child (7 years ago), I was absolutely intrigued by the idea that I could take my life back and do something to strengthen my pelvic floor muscles and (hopefully) eliminate bladder leakage for good.

ApexM came packaged neatly in a nice box, and included the ApexM device, device lubricant, batteries for the device, a storage/travel bag, product manual, easy to read instructional guide (with photos), and a product use/safety DVD.

To ensure a safe start, read the entire user manual, instructional card, and watch the DVD.

I'll admit that I was a little nervous before I used the ApexM for the first time. I read the ApexM User Manual 2-3 times, watched the DVD, and read through the handy card to make sure I had a solid understanding of the product and how to use it safely. Because I have a tendency to skim when I read, I also asked my husband (who is so amazing with directions) to read it, and we actually talked through the right way to use the device, while looking at the device, and pointing out which button did this or that. Before using it, we turned the device on, used the button to watch it inflate, tested the levels of stimulation, and then released the air, and turned it off. This gave me an idea of how it was supposed to correctly and safely operate and made me feel at ease once I was ready to use it.

When I was ready to try the ApexM, I set myself up with a nice, comfortable spot in my bedroom, propping two pillows behind my neck and shoulders. The first few uses took a little bit more time, because I adjusted the inflation and stimulation level a few times to get it just right (it's different for everyone, and should be adjusted to suit your level of comfort).

Keep this card handy when you're ready to use the ApexM.

To use the ApexM...

First, prepare the device by inserting the batteries. Easy as pie.
Next, go ahead and empty your bladder- you'll see why this is important not to skip.
Use the InControl Medical gel which came with the device. While the device is powered off, place a dime-sized amount over the stimulation contact areas on the device. Spread it evenly with your finger.

Lie down on your back with knees bent toward the ceiling and a flat pelvis, or lie on your side. I chose to lie on my back, which seemed to be the most comfortable option.

Insert the ApexM into your vagina (a minimum of 4 inches) to properly position the muscle stimulation contacts. Next, inflate the ApexM device by squeezing the inflation pump. The inserted probe will gently and slowly inflate with each squeeze. It should feel comfortably snug. 

Once you have become comfortable with the device inflated, power the device ON via the power button. There's an LED power indicator which will let you know that the device is turned on.
Use the stimulation arrows (up/down arrow buttons) to adjust the level of stimulation. Start out at level 1, and gradually increase the stimulation level until you feel a muscle contraction. Your pelvic floor muscles will feel as though they're being pulled up and in.

It didn't take long for me to adjust the stimulation level to my personal level of comfort. After you get that settled, the rest is easy breezy. Just lie back and relax for 5-10 minutes, while the device stimulates your muscles. You'll continue to hold the device in place as it works.

Self-Directed Contractions

After your ten minutes are up, you can (and should) take a few minutes to work through some self-directed contractions. I have made sure to take the time to do this with each use. The instruction card will guide you through a series or repetitive exercises, which direct you to contract your pelvic floor muscles on your own (after turning the ApexM device off). The device will remain inserted and inflated as you do this. You'll pull your own pelvic floor muscles up and in, contracting against the ApexM device, as you work to strengthen those muscles. Breathing normally and keeping yourself fully relaxed will keep you from tensing up as you do this.

After you're done with these simple exercises, press the air release valve and slowly remove the ApexM device.

I found that the process of using the ApexM went very smoothly. I wasn't uncomfortable at any point in time, and felt really good about taking the time to actually care for myself. I've been using the ApexM 3-4 times a week over the past 3 weeks, and I am already noticing a difference. I'm no longer waking up, having to bolt to the bathroom at 4 AM... I'm sleeping through the night without needing a bathroom break! Hooray for more sleep! I've also noticed that running water doesn't have me sprinting to the bathroom nearly as often, and overall, I feel less pressure on my bladder throughout the day over longer periods of time. I'm definitely doing a happy dance instead of a pee-pee dance. My kids will just have to find another source of entertainment.

Be sure to keep your device clean!

Keep your device clean & never ever share it with anyone else. You should clean the device after each use to remove all gel and any bodily fluids to prevent infection. Use a mild soap and water to clean the device, following the directions on the card.

To store the device, keep it in a cool, dry place. I store mine resting on top of the handy travel bag that came with the ApexM, in an otherwise empty drawer.

Want it? Get it!

Now that I have your attention, are you curious about the ApexM? I've had an incredibly positive experience using it, and would absolutely encourage you to give it a try, as well. Bladder leakage doesn't have to rule your life or rain on your sunny summertime parade.
Head on over to InControl Medical to learn more about the ApexM, and how you can take control over your life again. To reorder gel for use with the ApexM, visit the InControl website.

Bes sure to follow along on social media as I share even more about my experience with the ApexM. I also hope to share updates & tips about ApexM in the coming weeks.

Connect with InControl Medical on Facebook and YouTube.

What are some of your struggles when it comes to the topic of bladder leakage?
 I'd love to hear your thoughts on the ApexM in the comments!

Take time to take care of yourself- you're absolutely worth it.


  1. Never having a vaginal birth, I have not experienced this firsthand but know of many gals who would benefit from this device. I bet they don't even know it exists!

    1. It's not just from vaginal birth, the majority of our customers are in their pre/menopausal years! As we age incontinence is more prevalent!

    2. I should have mentioned- I had 2 C-sections. I was in labor with my first, had an emergency C-section, and a planned C-Section the 2nd time around. I had no idea how pregnancy alone, and a few hours of labor would weaken those muscles- and for me, it's gotten worse through the years. The ApexM has been a lifesaver for me!

  2. I really appreciate that this product is available so that you can take care of at home (I dread going to the doctor). Sometimes, kegels just don't help, but I definitely do not want to wear pads or panty liners all the time.
    I will be researching this product further, to see if it is right for my situation.

    1. Right on! I also faithfully tried to strengthen those pelvic floor muscles by doing kegels, and I felt like it just wasn't doing anything. You will definitely be able to feel the ApexM working to strengthen those muscles. It's absolutely worth a try.

  3. I love that there are products for postpartum women!

    1. Me, too! This is just one of those things that you sort of want to shout from the rooftops and share with every mom you know!

  4. ApexM can definitely help you if you have stress, urge, or mixed incontinence! We do offer a 90 day money back guarantee, so it's risk free to try! It's also covered by some insurances, it all depends on your particular policy!

  5. I feel you on that one- it just doesn't seem fair! The ApexM is already helping me feel more in control. I can't wait to see the results with continued use.

  6. Ondria thanks for sharing! This is important subject that a lot women deal with but don't talk about. As I get older I wished I listened to my mom and did kegels everyday but no and now I have accidents a lot. LOL! I laugh and pee, so I will look into this. Thanks!

    1. You bet, Pam! I stuggled to do my kegels- hated doing them when I was pregnant and pretty much stopped doing them after my babies were born b/c it was too painful after those c-sections. The ApexM is safe and comfortable - this is going to help so many postpartum moms regain muscle strength when they need it most! Thanks for your comment!

  7. I know I've experienced this issue! I have a few issues that are pretty embarrassing when it comes to my bladder.

    1. Same here. Long car trips can be especially unbearable. I've felt like I'd rather not even leave home at all before b/c you just never know where you'll be able to find safe, clean restrooms along a long stretch of highway. We have some trips coming up this summer, and I am so relieved not to have to worry about constant potty breaks- well, maybe for the kids!

    2. It sounds like ApexM can work for you! If you have any questions feel free to give us a call and one of our nurses in customer service can assist you!

      InControl Medical

  8. Bladder leakage is no fun! Having a huge baby like I did, I definitely get leakage. It's bad when I have a cold and sneeze a lot lol.

    1. It sounds like ApexM can work for you! If you have any questions feel free to give us a call and one of our nurses in customer service can assist you!

      InControl Medical

    2. Christy, I know exactly how you feel! I have had that same experience when I've been really sick in the past. The ApexM is definitely helping over that hurdle!


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