We have several Little Free Libraries in our town and I absolutely love them. I take books to different ones pretty frequently. We go to our local YMCA a couple days a week for Aiden's swim team practice and there is a Little Free Library there. A couple weeks ago, Aiden noticed that it was completely empty.
Aiden said it was empty because it was summer and so many kids needed a book to read since they weren't having library time at school and checking out books. Now, he would happily give away every book on his bookshelf because he is not a fan of reading...but he is a huge fan of the school book fair twice a year! Anyway, he wanted to go home and clean off his bookshelf and bring some books to the empty library. He picked the books he had already read and a few that were already below his reading level but were still on his bookshelf. When we were at the library a few days later, there were a some books that had been added and Aiden was relieved. He has his books ready and in the car for our next trip to the YMCA.
Happy to donate some of his books.
My mom and I are avid readers, even though I have a hard time finding time to read. It makes us both so sad that Aiden is not a fan. My fingers are crossed that he will one day he will read for enjoyment and not only for a school assignment. A great friend and wonderful teacher tells her students daily that "Readers are Leaders" and I use that phrase at home with Aiden all the time.
I am super proud of Aiden for noticing that the Little Free Library was empty and asking to bring some books to it on his own. I hope that any child that needs a book always has the opportunity to choose one from the library. I'm sure that he will be much more aware of this when we are out and about and I am happy to help him add books to it.
Do you have Little Free Libraries in your town? You can go to the Little Free Library website and find some near you or to learn how to get some started in your area.
Drop me a comment below or catch me over on MBP social media @mommysblockparty on Facebook or @mommysblckparty on Twitter and IG.
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