Have you been toying with the idea of upgrading your car? It can certainly be a big decision to make, one that involves a good amount of time for consideration of various factors. Buying a new or new to you car is usually a large purchase and one that must be paid over time. Adding in a car payment to your family budget can take a lot of planning, and possibly making some sacrifices. It might not be in your plans to purchase a vehicle during the busy holiday season, but there are absolutely some wonderful reasons why you might want to consider purchasing a new vehicle before the end of the year. Let's take a look at some of those.
Q4 equals sales!
As the fourth quarter draws to a close, many dealerships are looking to sell off their inventory to make way for new inventory with the start of the new year just around the corner. This means that November is often a great time to start doing your research on which car make and model might be the right one for you. Once you've narrowed down your choices, start shopping around. Keep in mind that deals are bound to pop up around Thanksgiving week- leading through Black Friday, and Cyber Monday.
Consider your holiday travel plans
Will you be doing a fair amount of traveling over the holidays? With so many folks expected to hit the roadways this holiday season, it comes as no surprise that many car owners decide to trade their vehicles for newer ones before Christmas. Whether the car just needs to be upgraded, or families need more room for family travel purposes, purchasing a newer vehicle in November will have you all set for holiday travel in December and into the new year.
Gas prices are ever-changing during the holidays
We sit and scratch our heads as we ask why gas prices bob up and down so much during the holiday season. If your vehicle is one that gets poor gas mileage and you plan to do a lot of driving through the holidays, you might want to consider a more fuel-efficient vehicle. There are so many newer makes and models which feature outstanding gas mileage reports! This is one of the reasons my husband and I traded not one, but two of our older vehicles for newer ones in the past year. Heavy travel requires better gas mileage and making the change will save you more at the pump year-round.
There are many perks that can come along with buying a car before the major holidays. You can really get a great deal on a new or used car that will have you and your family in great shape for holiday travel, and all of the usual running around. No one wants to be stuck with major car repair bills during the most wonderful time of the year. If your car needs to be updated and you're able to work it into your budget, November is the perfect time to take the leap!
This post brought to you by Williams Brothers Dundee.
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