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Shake My Sillies Out by Raffi: Win Your Own Copy!

Thank you to Penguin Random House for the book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

If you have littles or remember having littles, you remember Raffi. If you are expecting or know someone who is, please introduce her to Raffi. He is the quintessential kid's music artist. He sings some classics and some originals that are so catchy, my 2 year old requests them before bed. Now, you can read one of his best songs in the cutest board book, Shake My Sillies Out.

I have loved music all of my life. Songs were how I learned best and they are actually how my oldest learns best. He is absolutely musically inclined and can memorize songs very easily. Raffi has been a favorite in our house since he was a baby. The songs are fun to sing and some can be soothing when one of my boys is upset.

I love Raffi and I'm so excited one of his songs is now in print. Shake My Sillies Out is a must-read with your kids and maybe even sing if you're having a rough day. Raffi reminds us to shake all that silly out so we can rest easy. 

Want it? Buy it!

Shake My Sillies Out is only $7.99 and will encourage reading, fun, and bonding with your kids.

Want it? Win it!

Are you buying Shake My Sillies Out for you or for someone else? 


  1. I would love to give this to my granddaughter. I would really love to read it to her when we get to get together again.

  2. to my cousin!


  3. we like the wimpy kid books!


  4. In this household, we LOVE Raffi! I would love to give this book to my daughter, it would definitely keep her preoccupied during these days of social distancing

  5. We love Mother Goose nursery rhymes, it’s a classic!

  6. I would give this to my nephew

  7. If I won, this book would be for the children in our family.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  8. We like Mother Goose and nursery rhymes like One Two, Buckle My Shoe and Wee Willie Winkie.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  9. This would be for my granddaughter, she loves that song.

  10. I liked Beverly Cleary books when I was young. Then I got into some Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys.

  11. I would give it to my daughter. It looks so cute! Thanks for the chance! DamianMom at yahoo dot com


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