What could be better than taking tea with people you love? Tomorrow is World Tea Party Day, a fun tradition which celebrates people's love for getting together to gab and immerse themselves in tea party fun. I've loved tea parties since I was a very small girl. It was something special that I engaged in with my grandmother at a young age, and my love for tea and all things fancy grew out of the love she and I shared.
When my sister was a baby, my grandmother would come over to give me one-on-one attention, and a tea party was always on the agenda. We would set up pretend tea in my little bedroom, and Gram would always order the same tea, the same way- peppermint tea with honey. She taught me how to pour tea, how to hold a teacup, how to properly place a napkin in my lap, sit with my knees together, and sip tea without making a sound. She taught me so much about what it means to be a lady.
As I began to age, pretend tea parties turned into real ones. It didn't matter whether it was just the two of us, or a gathering of ladies, tea was always on hand, and could be on the table in a matter of minutes, along with a spread of sweet nibbles. When I was in high school, I would visit my Gram once a week after school, and we would sit at her dining table, enjoying tea, and chatting together. She worked hard to preserve the memories we made together during my early childhood.
Tomorrow, the world will celebrate World Tea Party Day, and while tea parties might look a little bit different, you can still celebrate on a smaller scale. You can plan your own tea party at home for your family. If you live near a tea house, or a hotel which serves tea, make a reservation for afternoon tea.
So much fanciness! This little lady can't wait to find out what her 'fancy surprise' is for Saturday.
My mom, dad, and I, are surprising Beanie tomorrow and taking her to my favorite place to enjoy tea, The O. Henry Hotel in Greensboro, NC. Seating is limited and tables are only open for 90 - 120 minutes per sitting to allow proper social distancing. Taking tea at The O. Henry has become a bit of a tradition for me, and I am thrilled to be able to begin this new tradition with my sweet girl.
My mom and I were able to take my grandmother to The O. Henry Hotel for tea before she passed away, and to date, it's one of my favorite memories, coupled with memories of our tea parties when I was little.
Will you celebrate World Tea Party Day?
Here are a few ideas to help you create a fun tea party!
Set the table at home
Set a beautiful table with your best china and teacups.
Prepare a 3-tiered tray of sweet and savory nibbles, such as tea sandwiches, scones, mini quiches, and tiny cakes.
Brew tea of choice and serve from a tea pot, rather than pouring water from a tea kettle. Use teacups and saucers. Place sweetener options on the table, such as cream or milk, honey, and sugar cubes (or whichever alternatives strike your fancy).
Use cloth napkins.
Add fresh flowers to your table.
Play soft, classical music in the background.
Dress for the occasion.
Enjoy light conversation and remember to act like a lady or gentleman.
Want to invite others to your tea party?
Ask friends of family to set their own table for tea at home.
Set up a ZOOM meeting and enjoy tea together via video! FaceTime works, too!
Want to take tea at The O. Henry Hotel?
If you are in or around NC, and wish to take tea at the historic O. Henry Hotel in Greensboro, NC, please visit their website more more information about afternoon tea. Special event teas are also held throughout the year. Make your reservation for afternoon tea at The O. Henry.
Wishing you a delightful World Tea Party Day!
How fun! You have some great tips!