Some of my favorite memories in the world are wrapped up in our visits to Orlando, over Thanksgiving.
Every other year, my in-laws have timeshare properties that are reserved for my husband's entire family, in Orlando, Florida. Purchasing a timeshare is a good idea for people who are looking for ways to make yearly vacation possible, and if you are unable to use your timeshare, you can have it rented out by another vacationer. You can also cancel it through the best timeshare cancellation company if you no longer need it.
Every other year, we purchase our plane tickets and load up as much as we possibly can to head to sunny Florida for a week of fun!
Sometimes, the plane ride makes us all a little bonkers. My kids love to play games with my husband and I and we often times switch our seats so we can have equal time with each. Both of my boys have always been amazing jet-setters! They absolutely love the entire experience, no matter how hectic and exhausting airports can be. In fact, there was one instance that we had a bag and a pillow stacked onto my son's lap while he was in his stroller and we had to RUN. Never once do these boys complain! They love the crazy, every last minute. They know that what's on the other side is a week-long adventure with many of their cousins, grandparents and aunts and uncles. Did I mention, DISNEY?
I know that it is an immense privilege that at the ages of 9 and 8, my sons have already experienced Disney World multiple times. We do not take this for granted. They have dined with dinosaurs, taken a safari ride through a jungle, climbed Everest, danced with Pluto and even met Ariel! The memories that my kids have at Disney World will stay with them forever, or so I hope.
Another favorite tradition is to take a picture with our son in front of the "Lefty" store. He is our little lefty and we can't visit Disney Springs without stopping here.
Thankfully, we were able to take our trip to Orlando in November 2019. This means that 2020 is our off year. It would have been extra devastating to have to cancel our big trip due to covid, but we didn't have to. Thanksgiving 2021 is still up in the air at this point but we are holding out hope that it could still work out, in some way. Our family has grown so much that our lodging gets tighter as the years go on! This isn't a bad problem to have, of course. I'm so thankful to be a part of such an amazing, large family. If only our little boys were able to see their cousins more often, but alas, they ALL live in different states.
That's what makes our Thanksgiving family vacations so special. It's an entire week of family time and it holds us over until the next time. I hope this holiday season you will spend it with your family, either blood or chosen. Make sure everyone is well, and then get together, if you feel able to. It is so important not only for us, but for our children.
I wish you an amazing Thanksgiving and Christmas and hope you are able to make some new memories with your loved ones that you'll cherish for years to come!
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