A home extension is a big investment, costing upwards of £30,000 or significantly higher, depending on how large your property is. If you are thinking about investing in one, then you need to know if the finished build is going to be exactly what you need. Sometimes, a home or kitchen extension can seem like an easy option, but there are lots of little considerations you need to make before having one of your own.
Most homeowners decide on a home or kitchen extension because they are expanding their family and need the extra space. As a focal point in every family home, the kitchen can quickly become a bottleneck in the house as your children grow-up, and you can quickly come to realise you simply need more space! However, there are three different types of extension you can have which all have their own benefits and costs.
The most popular type of home extension is a rear extension, which extends back into your garden space. This can be good if you want to add length to your property by extending the building and roof (possibly using a company like projects4roofing.co.uk/ to do the job), but if you are lacking garden space it can make your garden seem much smaller and cramped. This extension does create a lot of new space though, and you can have a living space following on from your kitchen area if that is what you need in your home. A rear extension costs around £50-60k plus VAT, and it is always advised to budget an extra 10% of your total project cost to cover any last-minute changes you may make.
If you don’t want to use up any of your garden space, such as in built-up areas like Central London where Simply Extend is the leading extension specialist, you can opt to have a side-return extension. This type of extension uses the dead space down the side of your property, increasing the width of your home. This a great extension if you have a narrow kitchen and need more breathing space to walk around in but, it is only suitable for properties which have this dead space down the side of them. If you want an extension which brings in lots of natural light to your home, this is a good extension to have as you can have skylights in your roof, and custom glazed shards as the rear wall. A side-return extension costs anywhere from £45k plus VAT.
Finally, you can have the best of both-worlds and decide to have a wrap-around extension. This extension type extends into the dead space down the side of your property and backwards into your garden, creating the most amount of space in your home. This kitchen extension may be the right one for you if you want to add multiple rooms to the ground-floor of your home, including utility rooms and ground-floor bathrooms.
You can discuss everything about your home extension with the team at Simply Extend, who will guide you through the entire extension process and ensure that your finished project is completely tailored to you and your family.
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